Java Bali Overland StudyTour

so here i will tell u about what happen on my JBO
so JBO is a studytour for me and my friends that held by our school
theres a test on the tour
we will learn and take the test

the test is like we do like tour guide to
so we must guide our friends as a tourist eventhough they will not hear fully lol
why we must do this ? bcause we schooling at high school vocational tourism
so we will learn how to be tour guide and about tourism

so we go to bali for the first then we will go to bromo mountain then go to jogjakarta then pangandaran and back to jakarta

btw sorry for not concern about capital,fullstop etc to lazy xD

so the test like this
1. opening with english
    explain about jakarta with english (iteneraries, local time, local people, attraction place, etc)
    closing with english

2. opening with mandarin
    explain about bali with english
    closing with mandarin

3.opening with japanese
   explain bromo mountain and jogjakarta with english
   closing with japanese

the 3 of that test dont at the same time
our JBO is held 10 days (13rd - 22nd January)

when the english test finish the teacher said im very good
ahhh im so happy ! but i must not to be arrogant

then mandarin test finish in another day the teacher said thank you Cindy
xD  im happy i can pass it

then the japanese test finish in another day too the teacher said very good
aaa yattaaa xD yokatta neee i said on my heart lol

i will show the pict that i took fully at my facebook ^^
and i will write the decription
at first i want share it here
but its take so many times so i will post it on my facebook

to go to bali from jakarta it takes almost 2 days
at first day we will sleep at bus
and the second day we will crossing the sea by ferry !
so i will see the blue sky and blue sea extensively
its not take many times so im not boring to be there
after arrive at one of city at bali we will continue riding on bus to go to denpasar
at the afternoon we arrive at Pop Haris Hotel
its 2 stars hotel but it look so cozy and look so modern
because theres use cheerful colour
red orange blue purple yellow green
arashi colours ! xD
the minus at pop hotel is the bathroom floor its sticky lol
and i found one insect that i dont know what it is
and my teacher found it too and my friend said dhe found 2 cockroach
so bad :(  we sleep on pop hotek for 2 days and 1 day more we move to another hotel
it is Inna Hotel
the hotel has 2 building its opposite each other
when i get the key room i open the room then i didnt found the button to make the light up lol
so the man of hotel help me

then i forget my roommate
i think there's stevica but her name called 2 time
for my room and another room

when i see some of my friends already afraid because the atmosphere is scary
because the building is old although its 5 stars hotel ^^

my room side by side with path that i dont know what is it for
my friend said it look scary

then i crossing to go to another building hotel to ask my teacher about my roommate
i found my friends cry ! they said someone fad to them by knocking the bathroom door
they cry a lot

then my friend said : Cin, theres just trolly right?
i said : yes just trolly theres nothing except trolly

the back of trolly is a door with window
at first i though theres a women with long hair and white long dress
dont be afraid ! when i back then i see it again it just a window ^^

it just my feeling that scare myself

then when i meet my teacher then i ask so i hv the roommate
because many of my friends afraid theres some exchange roommate too
i didnt feel of afraid but i know the hotel look so old but not to old too
but theres some my feeling scare myself so i feel afraid a bit at sometimes

so i sleep with my 3 friends
the two of them wont sleep they listen to music because afraid then sit beside me
i at sleep potition so thats make me hard to sleep then finnaly i sleep
so at inna hotel i just sleep one day

at bali we go to kuta beach, tanah lot, watching kecak dance, barong dance for the first time its cool and funny too, then go to kintamani to see batur mountain theres so cool! then i go to tanjung benoa, Garuda Wisnu Kencana, and sukawati market but i didnt buy anything on there lol buti bought some food at another place

then bromo mountain ! i excited for this one
so from bali we crossing the sea again to arrive at east java
then after arrive at east java we continue riding to bromo asri

so at bromo asri we go to bromo area with mini bus its around midnight
after arrive we go hiking to bromo mountain area but the guide said we must back at bromo area because the weather is not good
so we wait for so long i have sleep at floor because im so sleepy xD
then wake up then wait again until morning
its sad because i cant see sunrise at bromo mountain but i think i still can go hiking to top of bromo mountain to see the crater of bromo yeayyy

then some of my friends get the jeep to go to bromo mountain area and im the last one to get the jeep lol
then after arrive at bromo mountain area i start to walking and hiking  to bromo
theres some horse for lend so we must not walking to get the stairs area
but i wont take the horse not to expensive actually
but i just want feel it by my foot lol
then my friend greet me : hey cindy just only you ?
yes i said xD
then me and he walking together and after so long we found the stairs
we go to up of bromo mountain
im tired
i almost breathless  hahaha
so in the way at the stairs i had stop for around 2/3 times for take a breath lol

then i arrive at the top of bromo mountain !!
and i have to see the crater
wow thats so cool i had hiking and walking so long lol
its awesome

i have beat the horse and the stairs lol
but its bad because around crater theres so many rubbish
and after that i took photo of it

then jogja ! i go to borobudur temple it is the biggest buddhist temple in the world, then prambanan temple it is hindu temple, then malioboro, then kraton jogja

at jogja we have a table manner's course so we learn how to eat in international standard
in that course theres a learning about bartender too eventhough not to much
then the bartender said this after he explain about the function of many glasssssss
"who want help me tomake some drink?"
i have think in a short time then i just raise my hand
then some of my friends raise their hand too
but i the person that choosen xD
so i make the drink with command by the bartender
and my hand start to tremble lol
and the bartender ask : why you become tremble ?
and i said nervously : because become bartender is cool ... (my friends wonder : huh ??) and i cant be cool as a bartender (my friends wonder again : huhhhhh??)
its becaused im nervous i can said something weird

its easy to make it with yogurt then palm sugar some syrup then shake it
when i start to shake at first i confuse how to shake it rightly then i just start to shake like Aiba do at Bartender drama lol
then i feel not confident but the bartender said i do it like pro bartender HAHAHAH
i thanks to Aiba and bartender drama

then i commanded to devided become two at glass
then i cant devided it equally xD then the bartender help me
after that the bartender command to pour the soda and finish !

so the bartender command to me to give the one of the glass to people that i want to share
then i go down from stage my friends just call me : cindy cindy give it to meeeee cindyyyyyy
eventhough the friends from another class that not close to me call me
and the friend that usually arrogant to me call my name

but i just give it to my vice principal lol xD
then he thanks to me
i go back to stage
and the bartender said nowdays so often to find the right example student like you
lol im blushing

the bartender said the drink name is vitaco and it its a mocktail !
and one of the other glass had to me
then i bring to my desk
and i try its so delicious ^^
then i share to my home room teacher and my friends that one desk with me although theres some of them not close with me
then i share again with another desk that boys not at my classroom or another word not close to me and suddenly they call my name for the mocktail lol

then after that i enjoy my drink
and sudden i think of my close friend but she make me upset lately
then i just share with her

then im happy because i can learn to make mocktail xD

i didnt takea photo of the mocktail :( because i didnt bring my phone
but i have photowith my teacher and the mocktail but my friends took it and its a bit blur and the mocktail not to clear to be see huaaaaa

but its okay ..rather didnt hv photo of the mocktail lol
thanks God

then pangandaran i go to green canyon they said its like grand canyon  then i go to cagar alam
at green canyon i be the last group to take boat to go around green canyon
i have enjoy the greencanyon its so awesome !!
we stop then the man of boat (lol) said who want to go up this big rock ?
its like big coral ! at first i just afraid to fall from there
but my teacher said : lets go cindy ! XD
then i go up and it was like i expect itsmore awesome to be here because we can see extesively the awesome panorama
although the water is dirty because yesterday is raining day if not the water will clean
but its okay its still awesome
then on the way we go back i just sit on end of the boat its a bit scary but i enjoy it
but my teacher want to sit there too
im envy bcause she took so long time to be there xD
i want sit on there more time

and at 21st jan at pangandaran we held a farwell party
we divided to groups to perform something
my group will perform drama
but the leader said we will pretend like we didnt prepare anything
and we asks to be punished
before the leader and her friend said like that
her friend said : theres idea for our drama?
then i tell my idea
then she (the leader friend) ask again for idea like i didnt said anything before
its sad and  a bit piss off
and when they said they idea i just asking for anticipate the failed things
but they just like scold at me lol
its okay then i try to be agree with all the things

fortunatelly the plan going clearly eventhough the vice principal had a bad face on us
and some of friends bored and freak out of this
then the friend leader explain it just our scenario
and we start to sing like this if i translate into english
*actually its a pop song of indonesia Terima kasih Cinta*
"thank you for our teacher, for everything, you give a that chance again, never repeated again, my fault, which that hurt you"
so the cinta or love change into teacher

then clap of hand hearing

on farwell party theres a reward for students for the highest score at test
so we have  3 bus and 3 test

and i think like this : i will bit upset to myself if i didnt won one of them

and when the english test notifed the winner theres no my name then i just like : okay okay to myself lol
and mandarin of course i will not won of this lol
and the japanese first bus winner notifed , second bus winner notifed, the third my sensei just say this before notifed the winner : its from UPW 4 (name of class) ,  wah this is exactly the winner .. because she into japanese, who else ..?  my teacher andsome of my friends said my name completely lol
im shock but just a bit lol i dont know why
then i just peace sign out ^^v while i go to the stage lol
then i receive the candy and nuts that strung into necklaces and a price covered by newspaper
i thanks to God ! and to the people who support me

the tmrw after that day or the last day
in the morning after breakfast i go to beach near hotel with my friends
its so quite not to much people on there
and theres no rubbish
im so happy to be there ! its lovely place
but unfortunatelly i must go from that beach

so thats all my story during this 10 days
hahaha dont forget check my album photo of this trip at my facebook
hehehe i will upload after this

thanks for reading hope u enjoy this
sorry if theres something weird or bad grammar or something u dont like it from this post or from me
just comment here ^^ i just sharing here ~

thanks! :) happy sunday night
tmrw i will back to schl again x,,)
lol okay bye ~~~


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