20 facts about me

Bcause request or tag from Hanh Le at facebook
I think it would be nice if i write on blog
Ok Start!!

1. My name is Cindy Erbianco.
2. Im 15 years old now
3. Now im at high vocational school of tourism
4. Moody
5. Easy to negatif thinking
6. Often to get ulcer mouth
7. Love Japan since im at 4th / 5th grade
8. Im the second girl on my family after my mom
9. I have two brothers
10. My nose will easily to sweating
11. I can go to my own world when in the real world is so crowded
12. I dont like something noisy that is not important
13. i dont like be distrubed if i on focus
14. I dont like be distrubed if im sleeping especially when take a nap
15. I like pasta, donut, and bakso (indonesian meatball soup)
16. Easily bored of game
17. Love to listening music, singing, covering song, especially jpop and love to take a nap
18. Mostly I dont like ant, mosquito, flies
19. I dont like onion
20. I can be going crazy if i already have fun and trust in you

Finish !!
Im sure every person have they own fact and its more than 20

Btw today i back to home earlier than usually
And i got to know my japanese test score !
:) thanks God
Thanks to you for reading

Ps: today im buy some drink *photo*  . Its nice. Its mango peach juice from lawson machine lol and its only Rp.8.000 (IDR)


  1. Hi~ Cindy =)

    I'm really enjoy when to read this post. It's really interesting. ^__^
    This is my username for gmail. In FB, you already recognized me as Rafidah A-Rashi.

    ~yoroshiku ^^

    1. hello !! glad you want to read this and you enjoy this ^^
      thanks Rafidah-san :3
      if i hv a time, usually i will post something on here, my blog ^^

  2. Hi... I read your post
    I'm Hanh, yeah, it's my gmail ��
    It's nice, and we both hate onion ��

    1. thanks for reading hanh ! yeah we are onion haters xD
      if i hv a time, usually i will post something on here ^^ my blog


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