
I just arrive home and then open ask fm then open instagran then i open blog
And i write this
Ok as a promise i will tell you today

On last week i do practice guiding
The teacher i did it well
Actually i just read 1 / 2 sentence
Then i just explore it by my knowlegde
XD thank God

So today the teacher say : who want do it now ? If next week u must memorise 4 place but now just 2

Bcause i dont know about 2 the other place so i want do it today..
*hands up*
So just three person include me
Im the second
My first friend finish it
The teacher said he didnt explore it .. He just tell a little he got under standart score
So next is me
I go to in front of class
Take a breath
Explain allllll
A little bit forget
A little bit stop
And then finish
Then i ask : did i got bad score sir?
Teacher : no ..

Then i think how much will be my score ? Please dont around 70 even 72 ?
Bcause the standart score is 70

My first friend tell me i did it well
Hmmm i ask my friend to see my score
She said : 72
Ooooohgh noooo
Im not satisfied
My feeling say it true
Oh but i must thankfull to God

And the japanese test
Its canceled !
And will be held tmrw

So tmrw i hv 2 test again
Hope can do it better hehehe

And today math score is out
Our class is got bad score
Even me
I wonder why i get bad scorreeee

But im the second student who get high score at my class xD

Im not satisfiedddd

Hope will get good score on every test


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