japan class

actually today theres no japan subject
but there is sensei subject

on that time we just listen and singing together
a Japanese song !
but only Utada Hikaru - First Love and Mayuwi Itsuwa - Kokoro no Tomo
maybe sensei just pick popular Japanese song
btw I just know kokoro no tomo xD
you know my friends is kpopers and they just said : ahhh don't play this song ! just play snsd song japan ver !
and some of my friends had mock Utada and Mayuwi ... . . . . .. ...  ....
then I think maybe if someday I will mock ur kpop , u will mad and scream at me lol

btw sensei also hv said : we have a bible and language month (id : bulan  bahasa dan kitab suci ) so one of you must singing Japanese song

bible and language month is like competition.. there is quiz about bible story... story telling competition... and they said there is cosplay

my friend just say : oh ! cindy will do a cosplay !
me : no ! I will not la

in my heart said : I never do a cosplay before and maybe I will never do it.

I curious about this competition especially at cosplay and the others that concern on Japanese things

then on 16th September I will do city tour
as I have said it before
and you know ???????
I just choosen by lau tse

guiding with mandarin


I said "huaaduh" if in Indonesian
Im not good at mandarin / chinesse

but lau tse said : I have choose and trust at you .. so you must trust at yourself that you can do it
OKAY LAU TSE I will do my bestttttt as best as I can !!!

okay guys pray for me xD

oh ! have do new cover its a Smile - ARASHI
here is the link

hope u like it and enjoy
thanjks for reading too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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