Guiding Competition and Observation Days

hello !
long time no posting ;)
so did i ever tell u abt guiding competition held on November 2014 ?
so if i never i will tell u this first
so i hv asked to be participate on guiding competition between 10th grade of my school
in english and japanese with different material for each languages
so i hv prepare it so much then its canceled
maybe because the schedule of my school is so busy
and on 2nd of March is the day im asked to be participate for guiding competition by my home room teacher
but this time is held between my school and the other schools
and its held by UPH or Pelita Harapan University
on 26th of March
im happy i was choosen between many students or friends of my school
so the topic is ASEAN
my home room teacher ask me to explain abt The Philippines
so i hv prepare the materials about the general information and some interesting place and some traditional food
and i hv already ask some my facebook friends that from Fillipines
so the materials is useless at the end, because the topic is already set by the crew.
i was sad at that time
such like : i hv prepare it and now is useless??!
but my home room teacher tell me : from what i prepare and write i hv some information so my knowledge is increased although is a bit
so i ask my guiding teacher and the topic is baro't saya and the culture of The Philippines
baro't saya is traditional cloth
so i was prepare it and practice it in front of my teachers many times
and my teachers tell my to practice the pronunciation and many things
and i must search some pictures that become my media
and its be printed many times because we need a big picture and we laminate the pict
so its D-2 or 3 i hv practice at schl until 3pm and laminate for 1 hr
and i back to home and i have fever
hahaah and then i hv medicine
and after fews hours i getting better
so its D-1 i asked to explain or practice in front of my senpai classroom
im nervous and at the sing part i was ask my teacher , can i skip the song sir?
its up to you if u wont to sing here how u will be brave at the competition day , my teacher said
so i sing it hahha xD
and after me there is my senpai that she is also be participate for this competition and ever be participate on same competition before
so at the half way from her speech or explanation my teacher bring microphones and said u must use this
and then she use it
and me asked to repeat from opening until general information with microphone xD
oh nooo but i did it hahah
and on that day too
i asked to be explain or practice again but now is in front of my friend class that she also be participate on this competition
and for this time i fell so confident
although i dont know so much about students at that class but they all are one generation with me haha
so from my school there are 3 students including me that be participate on this competition
but before choosen 3 students actually there are 5 students and must be selection until become 3
but two of them already give up before the selection
in the middle practice days i hv asked to be participate again on Japanese competition by my sensei
i feel like wow!  its my opportunity but did i will feel tired?  ahhh i must do my best
its on 19th of March
me and sensei still dont know when the competition be held
but my senpai that she participate on this guiding competition said she ever participate the japanese competition and she become a contender
and the competition is like a ask and answer and speaking etc
and i think i will learn many things from here
and my sensei ask me to remember again abt the hiragana
so the day of guiding competition is come
we come together and pick the queue number
and i get number 2
it's to fast
ahhaha so we sit together wait for the competition start
but before that we take a pict and listen to the procedure of the competition
and after that the participants are go to the lounge to wait the first participant
and me wait in front of the door of competition room
hahahaaaaaa im so nervous and try to be relax
and then it's my time
im not feel nervous at that time
lol hahaha
and after me then i back to the lounge room
and wait for the all participant
and we get the lunch break
and then wait again
and then the final !
the announcement about the winners
but bfore that there is doorprice for 3 participants
i not get it
and then the winners announcement
3rd is from another topic so its not me
2nd is from another topic again
1st aaahh please meee and its from another topic not me
the favorite winner pleaseeee this time is meeee
and its not from my topic so not me again
but my friend :)
congrats !!!!
yeay me and senpai and teachers screaming!   ahhaha
at that time i feel a bit disappointed of me
but my teachers said its okay
and i think yeah its okay i have learn so manyyyyyyy things from this
and after be announced we take a photos
and we go back to school but before it take the certificate :)
i have learn and practice for 19 days
and absent for 3 days because there is observation at jakarta landmark national monument so after this competition i will do observation just only yesterday and today or friday and saturday
and today i have test of guiding in national monument
and today i meet tourists from Philippines ! and j said magandang umaga ! its good morning in Tagalog
but maybe at that times is already afternoon
they all so friendly
so they are local singer group
and they sing 2 songs for me and my friends
You and Grace :)
they all so awesome and i feel amazed
hope to see you again!
i have post the photo at my Facebook account
so u can see it
its dark at that place so the Pict is not good heheh
and my Friends have the pict of us . me , friends and the awesome filippines singer group
so thats all the story ahhaha :)
i feel so thankful for this month
good byeeee see you in next post ~~ ^^
thanks for reading
hope i will have amazing stories that can be tell here
bye ~~


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