Same Dream, BIG Dream

Hi !
Ahahah im back again
Oh dont think that i comited to suicide bcause my previous post is about suicide xD
So im back to bring my hot story xD
Eventhough (maybe) theres no one visit this blog I will try to post something about my life.. maybe this blog would be my diary
I think I should rename this blog tittle
Not about all anymore
Bcause all my post are mostly about me not about all
So talking about diary .. I have make one this year but I just wrote it for a few weeks and then lazy to do it
I think write a diary is fun for future haha i mean we can flashback about this and that memories
So i will start about my story
A few weeks ago i told by my teacher and my friend as head of my class to join guiding competition with japanese
So after take a much practice and memorizing
..... * above all is written and become draft since 26/10/2015
The day is coming
The competition day
I do my best
After few weeks and before the announcement day
My friends said that i got 3rd
I just cant believe it xD haha
The announcement day is coming i just like .. i dont care about the result
Then on that day ... the information that i got is im not at 3rd or 2nd even 1st
I feel like : ah its okay then..
With a bit pain on my heart ahhaha xD
But its okay
Once time when my subject class has no teacher i talk much about dream with my friend
I ask her what is ur real dream
She said she ever want to be chef
And i just like : me too !
So we are just talk about job and our dream job
We make a promise that we will go to work in same work place on travel things
And then try another work place on hospitality or cafe
And then we will make a bakery shop
Haha xD its so far but i hope oh we hope that it will become true
I want to have a bakery shop with chocolate shop also a western cafe or resto
XD hmmmm
I wish
I could
Ah ! I just finished my city tour test and when i really finish it i just feel like wow so fast this test xD
Yeah i hope the result is good heheh
And im so happy that i can make my classmate become arashian xD and she loves nino and sho haha xD i hope she can stay longer
Maybe thats all what i want to share
Many hopes that i write here xD yeah..
Now my battery is 10% and its 11.27pm
So see you in next post ~~


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