Review Japanese Drama : Rikuoh

I watched Rikuoh from Waku Waku Japan with Bahasa subtitle.
You can get WWJ from your cable TV.

The first reason that I want to watch Rikuoh is, the actors are Takeuchi Ryoma and Yamazaki Kento.

On the first eps, I touched and cry a bit
Nice beginning, a bit intersting.

I decided to keep watch it.

This time also the first time i watch yamaken without romantic genre.
also a drama for him

After I watch until the end of Rikuoh, I almost cry for every eps!

Why? because the touching moment when they get something that they want and struggle it also their team work.

Now I don't really know what I want to say.

Some scene at beginning made me feels like : what ? so easy to get it huh? then the struggle is real !
some actors get short scene, some scene are intense.

On the final episode, yeah I know it would be so readable the storyline, I didn't expected anything, just want to enjoy it. Buttttt, I cry a lotttt !! love the ending! so touched ! so emotional!

At the scene when Kohazeya place get a much ringing phone for order, I though that would be the end, that would be great too if it. But there're some scene about the future of Kohazeya, they are success, Yamaken worked at Metro electro, they all keep watching and support Takeuchi.
Also I thought that Takuchi will go to Kohazeya place, but not.

Afterall I really like this drama, though there are some part that I feel missing.

About Takeuchi, I quite proud because I feel like I know the real struggle that he faced, he must run and run, practice the step / movement. I heard that he lost his weight too.

I ever read about Takeuchi didn't really enjoy his work, ah so sad, but I hope he will enjoy and love his job.

My first time to keep Takeuchi is from Kahoko no Kahogo, he is so lovely!

Also I will watch the new drama of Yamaken, Todome no Kiss which is come out with other popular actors, Masaki Suda, Jun Shihon, Mackenyu Arata.

I also have interest about relationship between Yamaken and Arashi, then I googled it. Yamaken often to be the guest at VS Arashi, and I found that Yamaken is closed with Nino and Jun.

At VS Arashi, Yamaken called Zakiyama by Arashi, that's cute

I read the translation of magazine, there's an interview between Yamaken and Nino. Yamaken said that he love Nino, they close may because of Yowakute Katemasu drama.

Between Yamaken and Jun, I found on Youtube a short clip from VS Arashi, that Jun said Yamaken took his lovely jacket, but afterall Jun gave it to him.

Honestly speaking, after watch some clip, I feel that Nino kind of stingy about money, such as he didn't treat his junior. But, when he did he want the junior speak to everyone. lol sorry I don't mean to hurt fans of Nino.

On my watchlist now, there're:
1. We Married as a Job
2. Saki ni Umareta Dake no Boku
3. Sherlock Holmes
4. The Catch
5. Todome no Kiss
and many more

If I get time sure will be post about the review here !

Thanks :)


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