I think i have said this before?

It's almost the end of the year, yet i still have plenty of things that i would like to do but there are some but. Hopefully in the next year (if i still live lol) i could do the things that i want to do planned or spontaneously including big decisions. I want to be excited and looking forward for all the excitement in the next year.

If i could sum up about this year, maybe "quite a lot or less my first time" and i still want that next year. More discovering about myself, feelings, and experiences. Yes, future is scary, so maybe it means that we need to take or do more as long as we live. "Live as if we are die today". If we are saying the worst case and whatever it is, at least i did what i wanted, and did my best. Plus, the end result is i know where it takes me or shapes me and continues living without any regrets.

One of the many thoughts in my mind this year is "what stops me" when i want to do something. i guess it quite helps a bit much? bcs the next response is what makes it matter.


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