japanese class day 2 xD

yeyyy im back with my story !
btw maybe from now I will try to use English when I post something on blog ^^
I will do my best
so sorry if get something wrong in my English !

okay im starting
btw I write this with some music box from youtube ^^ pikanchi double from aarshi
enjoy ~!

so today has a Japanese class again
well at first some my friends don't want to studying xD
but at least they say : aahhh lets continue Japanese class !! I don't want learn another
ahhaha and my heart say : tanoshii nee ? ^^

so from previous week we learn about introduction right?
some my friends just like to say : hajimemashite xD
although when they greeting people even a sensei xD
sensei just can smile and laughing andddd said : nah u just can say hajimemashite right ?

so today we learn to know about
and romanji

and when sensei ask how to read this ? ひらがな
and only me say "hiragana"
yokatta im right !
and sensei say : just only 1 student can read ?

and then sensei tell what is hiragana , katakana , kanji , romanji
and what its for

then we listening to nhk again !! its lesson 2
I think it will be long again but its more short than before heheh
lesson 2 is how we read hiragana words
its 46 alphabet
a i u e o
ka ki ku ke ko . etc

then sensei give homework to us
its to write a i u e o ka ki ku ke ko in hiragana on book
every alphabet write on one full page

she give to us because we have a holiday for eid fitr for 2 weeks
so she said she wil give many homework
but i don't think so xD

so sensei teach us to write according the step
when i see i can translate some word from the example
u -> sea : umi !
oh hmm i forget what else .. just "umi" ? x.x
then i see 'ko'
ko ? ko ? kono mama motto sutaeru you ni~~~~ *sing kono mama motto - sakurai sho xD

then i wonder what is the meaning of kono mama motto ??
i ask sensei : sensei may i ask for the meaning ?
sensei : ohh wait ya !

then after few minutes
sensei : what u want ask ?
me :hmm what is the meaning of kono mama motto ?
sensei : kono mama is "just like that"
me : motto ?
sensei : motto ?? its not have meaning if is kono mama motto it will be awkward . theres a continue ?\
me : oh hmm ... kono mama motto sutaeru you ni
sensei : nahh theres a continue right ?

but sensei not translate it '_'
its ok
then she tell us about harakiri
its like suicide ... the way is slice the stomach xD

then what else xD
maybe its enough for today xD

yeah im happy with japan class today xD
its quite fun ahaha xD
ohh sensei just say ; i don't like japan songs its to boring xD
and then my heart say : oooohhhhh so u are exactly don't like laruku/oor/arshi/perfume etc
as i expect on previous xD

so this is my story of japan class today xD
hope u enjoy it ahahah
and please kindly check my soundcloud account HERE
theres is a few cover song of arashi
so hope u all enjoy it everything from me !
sore jaa bye bye

thanks ~!!!


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