Last post for today

thank you for everyone who read my post on blog
thank you for who listen and comment and request for my cover song
and thank you for everyone and for everything

I truly say thanks for this
thanks for be my friend
for be my oneechan
thanks for people who advice meeeeeee

thanks for everything everyone !!!

hahaha in my mind its so many what I want to say
but I cant pour it them on here with wordsssss
so this is awkward
butttt im truly say thank you to all !!!

hmm I want tell u something !
so lately I just interesting with math !
I don't know why
today theres is a math class and we have learn what we learn on junior
so I still remember a few of them

when the teacher give us a question I feel afraid to show my answer
I afraid if I wrong
but at least I say to myself  : I must not afraid of mistake !
and that word remind me of my lovely English teacher at junior who teach me to don't afraid to make mistake and to speak English  ! :,D thank you so much Sir !

and then I show to the math teacher and I get it true !!!
yeah im happy
but on next question I get it false
but I remind my self  : its ok ! u can make mistake ! but u can make a miracle too !
so for this story
I want to tell you to...
don't feel afraid for make mistake ! from mistake u can learn ! from learn u practice ! from practice its make it perfect !

do ur best ! as much as u can !

okay maybe this story its no connection with my THANKS words
but I just want to tell u this
maybe it can make u more positive and motivate u ? ^^

so thanks again for read this !!
thanksssss so much !~~~


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