Bittersweet Day

lol i will tell what happen today
almost all from this is from my conversation with hanh le when she ask how was my day
so today i have watch short cut of vsa on youtube on yuvari channel
and one of them is
sho is asking ohno : what kind of song is bittersweet?
ohno said : aaa is feel bittersweet
so i think today is bittersweet day because this all happen today
hmmm today i going to emotional lol
yah some its fun and bad
today i have first day of exam
there are 2 subject..
mandarin is going quite well because i have prepation a few days for it
and the second is guiding is like a question about knowledge of place
but im not ok with this
i mean many of questions that im not sure the answer hoho
and there are essay..
the question one of essay is to explain and give a example
but i just explain xD i didn't notice the "give an example"
the second :
i just crying suddenly because 2 of my bro are busy and no have time to fun with me lol yeah im crybaby at home :p
and the third is
my bittersweet cover is removed from soundcloud because there is problem with copyright
maybe it bcause i use original song or original instrument for backsound
but fortunately it just bittersweet cover that removed , not all
and my account still can be use
but i still afraid if someday my cover or account will be removed too
xD hahaha im not sure the one who report this is Johnny lol 
but if is JE is scary lol
i have think that why only bittersweet?  i have use original song or original instrument for almost all cover song..
haha xD and many people use it as a background song,
btw is not only arashi song 
here im not arrogant , threaten and envy
im sorry if is rude
i just think about this hehe
some of fangirl said
maybe this is their first step then they will remove one by one or just remove my account
so i will backup it ASAP
and i hope im not late
so maybe , on next i will not using any backsound or ask for some help from fangirl that can play some instrument 
poke* La Tormenta Chapter III Lavistara Yuki
or i just stop covering


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