where i have been?

hi guys as usually im back with my story
maybe it will be long
idk , well let's see XD

so this month will be a busy month
but now i try to post something before i really busy
ok let's start

i have been thinking to write in bahasa again , wdyt?
i think if in bahasa i will more easy to deliver what i mean but with english i can practice my writting
and maybe i dont have many readers lol XD

okay next on april i have so many mid exam

and i also join a grop competition of making something about go green, 18 April
me and my 2 friends are in 2nd place
wuhhh thanks God
but a bit disappointed because the things arent made by me and one of my friend
so thiss thing is made by my other friend
because the limit time so we cant do make something in short time
me and friends make the persentation slide
i made a mistake when i on stage lol
when there's improvement in a few minutes before on stage
so i dont remember that part it must be me
im so sorry

then 24 april !
on that day me and my friend go to Grand Indonesia to watching assasination classroom with other fangirls of arashi and hsj !
woooo finally i meet 3 close fangirl~~
and when i watch the movie i was like crying and then laugh because the koro sensei made me laugh when i crying !
whyyy koro sensei whyyy
so im not satisfied when im crying XD
but this movie was so greaaaaaaaaaaaaat

next day i watch waku waku japan
chelsea islan x watanabe shu
a mini drama
but i didnt like because there's lot skipping and some part is not make sense XD
sorry but im a type of realistic person , quite, maybe XD
and a few weeks before this drama is aired there's them on a hitam putih talk show
but the part when i regret it is when dedy corbuzier, the mc disccuss about something maybe so hard to understand for shu

okay next
4-6 May
me and friendsssss are go to Lembang, Bandung. Pratista.
the place of retreat
it's my first time
i had so much fun there
and on the last day, the part when we write all the disappointed things on a paper then we burn it
when i write im not crying but i feel so relived because i think i have forgive this all , i dont see this are a load for me. at first i dont know what i want to write but finally it's full lol
in 3 days i just cry 1 time when the frater is telling about his father's death
oh im affected not cry actualy
im saying this not for be arrogant but im just sharing xD

today 13 May
me and my friends go to Bunda Mulia Univeristy for listening and watching about the university and the talented colleger, they are promoted about the university actually

i dont know when excatly i found this,
one of my friend that like arashi (B) , especially jun because his physicaly :< , now just have 1 song of ohno, "two" and there's no other song of arashi
it's quite hurt actually
the effort when i give her many song x,D but ... okay
at least she have 1
she like "shake it" so much ! but there's nooooooooo on her phone music player
okay maybe she still keeps the video concert, just keep lol

and she start to like HSJ ! Yamada ! u know bcs what  ?
when me and one of other my friend that fans of arashi (A) watch JUMPing CARnival concert at school
then my friend (A) showed the yamada to (B) when yamada is sweating and say "uhhh"
the part of viva 9's soul !
then after that B like HSJ especially yamada

and today, also, i, found, that, my other friend (C) didnt keep the songs that i give to her when she ask me to send some ballad song
aaaaaaaah i already send her many songs
yeah but she just keep one XD
once again it's hurt
she already give her impression about some song , 3 or 2 are arashi songs
she said the song is so so
and she didnt like deep na bouken XD

maybe i just to much hoping that B and C like what i give
im to spirited about this maybe

do you know about my prject to make a tour packet?
first time is a group of 3 people , tour of jakarta
then is failed
then it's change with a group of 5 people, tour on west java
oh when i dont know much about this project, bcs my friend is the one who explain the new rules not my teacher, so i made a tour of 1000 of islands
i have been sooooooooooo far
i have ask so many people about rent resort facilities boat etc
but you know what !??!!!!><
1000 of islands is not listed !
so i cant use it for my tour
so i have remake it again
i will go to garut and crossing bandung
fortunatelly my teacher help me so much
but most of my member team arent

and you know what!!!???
the project is canceled again !
because the due date or limit time or deadline is to short
and my friends not believe that the packet will be sold!

so when my teacher what will we gonna change the project
all the suggestion are been rejected

and then i try about to tell to make a video of jakarta
video of interesting place in jakarta
and the teacher said it's ok !!!!!!!!!!

well actually this idea is coming up when me and my close friends are so stress about it lol
and when my friend (B) said well maybe we should make a video of making / counting the packet of tour lol

so this project will be do by 2 person
for me there are A and of course me
so tmrw is the part of finishing
we will write something on the video ~~

and actually i have another project about video too
but this is for english assignment
about procedure
u can watch here

so maybe that's all that i can share with u , my readers lol
idk if there's real readers or not

and for my friends who read this
especially the B , C
u know who i am , right?
i love u guys, u know that everytime i dont like something i will say it straightly
but something like this , i cant
im so sorry
but it's just my fault also, im to excited and so much hoping that you will be like it 

and for A
i have a struggle with you sometimes
and sometimes i worried and not believing in you

but thanks for all thanks for what you did for me, thanks A,B,C

i just remember that today when i tried to stay open the lift with my hands in the middle of the door which is move to close
my hands are pinched
maybe almost crushed
fortunatelly the door finally move to open
idk why i didnt move my hands away
but A and D ! pull my bag
but it doesn't make me move though XD
but thank you guys lol

im affected that you and the other are worried about me
it's quite hurt

but im okay right know~~

thank you all


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