Review : NEVERLAND Album by NEWS

1. 流れ星 (Nagareboshi)
i love it, feel like get a positive energy <3
hope-song. and bit emotional. nice tone~

2. U R not alone
from the first and the title is encourage enough !
and the first heavy/low voice, i dont know who did that, maybe massu?
i think it would be fun at their concert and sing together huhhhh will get a goosebump
this is really emotional and give a positive energy

3. I'm Coming (Tego's Solo)
sexy and rock song
fun and it reminds me about hyde yeaa
"ikeeee~!" so catchy love it!~
would be lovely if tego dance at concert and give a smirk lol

4. ニャン太 (Nyanta) (Koya's Solo)
this song is dedeicated to his cat. but unfortunately his cat is dead
it's sweet song, positive song, catchy, lovely <3

5. あやめ (Ayame) (Shige's Solo)
sad? maybe it's my first impression about the song
smooth and the authentic shige's voice is realy good
i feel like there's a story like "i dont want lose you baby"
but i like the song, but not much yet

6.FOREVER MINE (Masu's Solo)
ballad this time. nice, i like it.
and the authentic voice ! smooth and calming

nice, but i can't fall in love with the song yet
there's like a india music ? i doubt

8. アン・ドゥ・トロワ (Anne de Troyes)
unique title. name of people?
first time is remind me of coldplay - sky full of stars
nice tone love it

9. Brightest
electro. nice. catchy. dance-able
im waiting for cool dance , NEWS-san!
you are my ...? what? buddies?

10. Silent Love
the music is like a western-DJ music XD
nice. like a flirt song. sweet.
ok there's a rap <3 cool
i love this song

11. ミステリア (Mysteria)
cool. magical. nice. love it and dance-able

why i feel like i ever to hear the "tonight tonight ....." by tego at first part
wow rock
cool shige ur scream! <3
ok everybody scream
i like it but not to much because it's to rock :(

bit ballad. i like it. lovely. sweet. bit emotional
i like it. i feel like i ever listen to this, maybe yes

14. EMMA
is nice catchy song.
i love it. cool. really

15.  恋を知らない君へ (Koi o Shiranai Kimi e)
ballad. lovely and sweet.
a bit sad but i love it.

that's all, sorry for this bad review hahaha
from this all i still can't decided what is my fav
i need more time to listen to this album
and btw i love Snow Dance from EMMA single
really, from my first time listen when i watch their perfomance

and yesterday i just watch Quartetto Concert at Tokyo DISC 1
oh hell , maybe i fall in love with shige
he is so cool especially at his solo
glasses you know
and so cool it's dedicated to... okay i forget, just watch it then u will know hahaha
also because shige is cool too! author, cool voice and yeah !

and for tego i like his voice, but sometimes i cant handle the flirty and feminine side from himself
XD and and his improve song sometime i cant handle it because it's so flirty lol

and masu is cool, i like his fashion sense, he is who arrange the costume right? cool~!
and i still cant handle the beautiful skye , his solo. because it's so much DJ
sorry i cant say it properly

and koya, sorry i cant fall in love with him yet. but i feel he is a good and so much patient became a leader of news, he is kind of sweet boy. and that's cool he is a newscaster, but i never watch him oops. sorry again

okay that's all ~!


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