
Showing posts from October, 2020

Big Decision : Behel 33

Sebelum lupa semua jadi mari langsung saja ku tumpahkan ahhaha. Akhirnya hari penentuan datang juga! Walaupun kemungkinan besar adalah akan copot behel tp kan ada kemungkinan kecil kalau ternyata masih perlu didempetin lagi giginya. Ga mau boong, dari jauh-jauh hari pun sudah ga sabar, tp selalu ingetin diri sendiri untuk tidak besar harapannya takut malah nanti sedih banget kalau ga jadi. Janjian jam 4, tapi ternyata masuk itu hampir 4.30 :) baiklah, tak apa. Sempet kepikiran deh apa jangan-jangan jam praktek itu 30 menit setelah jam janjian? ahhaha Jadi sebelum masuk, asisten dokter / bruder (suster cowo) seperti biasa nanyain ada bracket yang copot? mau karet warna apa? Sudah kebiasaan jawab, tp kali ini jawab sambil bertanya-tanya apakah saya ga jadi copot? ahahah Kemudian setelah masuk, dokternya nanya deh menurut gw apakah sudah rapet? gw jawab "Menurut penglihatan saya sih udah dok" "Yuk, kita cek" balesnya.  Pas dicek, "Ini udah rapet kok, udah boleh di...

These and Those

This post might be talking about anything in my mind. I would like to talk about many things that have been in my mind lately. First thing first, about the "emotion" that I found out, is hard to control it. Well, these days I feel some feelings and it's different each day, like one day I could be so pissed even for small things, another day I could feel so kind like I never been like that before, or I just being cool with anything that supposed to make me angry. Well, I couldn't control my emotion yet, but I'm glad that I realize those feelings and make me ask myself "I could be like that too, huh?"  But, recently my emotion rarely gets high until reach mad - angry, but just only annoyed-pissed off. That happened because I feel that's not necessary, I don't need to be mad or angry about small things, so there are no negative vibes in me which take a lot of energy and time. What a waste, right? Also, I keep trying to maintain my health, mentally a...

Be or Not to Be Self-centered

Recently, I feel afraid if I really being self-centered. I'm asking myself, am I really that self-centered? Why I keep talking too much after others answer my question. As if this is a competition? So, with this bad vibes, I type down my question to calming the self-centered of mine. "self-centered" "how to not be self-centered"  After the read, I found out the real meaning of self-centered. Yes, it's selfish but not really the same. I will put on here: "Although they appear to be similar in meaning, the differences are subtle. Selfish (of a person, action, or motive) means lacking consideration for others, and/or is concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure. In contrast, self-centered means being preoccupied with oneself and one's affairs."  source Honestly, I am still confused, am I selfish? or self-centered. But, self-centered might be not always a bad or negative connotation. Also, I saw the question bar on google ...

Random Thought #26

I'm sure there're some people who feel annoyed because I often to correct their pronunciation or writing Well, I mean to grow together 

Big Decision : Behel 32

Halo! akhirnya nulis lagi tentang progress behel ini, dari Januari 2018 sampai sekarang ebrarti udah 2 tahun hampir 10 bulan dong ya? Jadi pertemuan kontrol kemaren kan emang dibuat supaya gigi yang atas rapet, tapi ternyata gw masih merasa ada sedikit celah. Dan kondisinya ada sariawan di lidah dan gusi dalem. Kali ini ada kabar gembira dan sedikit kecewa ke asisten dokter hehe, yuklah langsung aja gw ceritain secara kronologis seperti biasa ya! Janjian jam 3.30 tapi gw udah sampe jam 3, masuk dicek suhu kemudian lgsg disuruh naik, tumben banget gada tanda tangan pernyataan gitu atau ditanyain soal riwayat kesehatan, sepertinya yg jaga tadi beda orang dari yang biasanya. Kemudian jam 3.16 ada yang masuk. Giliran gw sekitar 3.46 mayan telat tapi gapapa deh. Oh ya dan langsung masuk gitu ga ditanya soal bracketnya lepas atau ga sama asisten dokter.  Ternyata asisten dokternya jg beda dari yang biasa, seperti baru hehhe.  Pas masuk seperti biasa dokternya nanya ada keluhan apa g...