How I Know JPop

this post was written at livejournal
and at this time
July 2nd 2016

hello everybody ~~ neko is here!
so now i will tell about how i know JPOP

*my english is not good, and i know i supposed to use past , but my heart wont do it XD
lol okay sorry

let's get start it !

at first i know L'Arc~en~Ciel (laruku), the first song that i listen to is Stay Away by watching their MV. how? my brother's friend is show it to my bro then my bro show it to me. after that, i start to insterest in laruku and listen more to their song, until now my fav songs are Winter Fall and Snow Drop
i dont know when i start to like laruku , maybe around 5th grade of junior high school (2009/2010)
their song is nice, the meaning is deep, also hyde's voice is so so so goooood

BTW on that time i know Dir en Grey to, but i dont listen to their song except Yokan. because their song are very rock!

next after some years, in 2012 laruku is come to jakarta to held a concert, and i can't go XD

because i know laruku, so i know VAMPS, because the vocalist of laruku and VAMPS are same , HYDE
and i listen to some of VAMPS song , their song is good but rocker than laruku

next is ONE OK ROCK
my curiousness is come up , because some fans of laruku in fans group facebook is talking about what other band do you like beside laruku?
some of them said one ok rock
so i search on youtube
maybe my first MV of OOR is Clock Strikes, then i listen other song on their official youtube, and i like it, not to rock, good, the english is nice
so i listen to their songs

next is Perfume
at first i found a youtube video which is using perfume - fake it as the backsound
then i search on youtube and found the official youtube of perfume
then watch it and start to like it , not to discotic but this is electro song 

when i like Laruku, OOR, Perfume, i join their fans group on facebook and like the fanpages
and add some (fans) friends 

next is ARASHI
it began with my curiousness again
once, on fans group of OOR is talking about Taka (vocalist of OOR) that he is a member of boyband at the past.
when i ask what boyband it is, the answer is NEWS
after that i start to search the video
and i found the News NIPPON it's fun music, and Taka's voice is nice ~
i saw Taka, and Ryo Nishikido
and the other i dont know

after i watch the MV
i ask Aanisah, the fans of OOR 
how about the other boyband , im so curious about boyband in japan. i just know AKB48 and KATTUN
she said actually there's so many and they are idolgroup not boyband
so she said try to search arashi, news, other johnnys that i forget what she said XD
and she suggest some of arashi and news song
also she said arashi is going to release Endless Game

when i search KATTUN on youtube there's no the music , just their show tv program
then next is news i listen to Sakura Girl, *not on youtube i think* and i like it, it's nice and fun also sweet 
after that i search arashi on youtube
there's arashivevo XD
and only one video , Monster
at first i like the choreography ! i have repeat so many times because the choreo is good, then i see ohno, that i think he is the oldest and i got it correct yeay!

so after that i start to download some of arashi songs, join the fans group, like the fanpage 
after join the group
i realize that the group isnt updated so i tried to add some of the fans 
and know become so much arashian on my friend list XD
this my first time

and there's my first time to watch drama of arashi member, Jun Matsumoto natsu no koi wa nijiiro ni kagayaku
after i watch it i start to like jun! 
maybe because the pull and kiss by him lol

then after so many daysssss i start to like sho, because he is handsome
im sorry that the only reason on that time although know i know that he is super awesome with full schedule ! 

then after some week i attacked by ohno ! because he is cool then i just realize that he have beautiful voice ~! and until now he is my ichiban !

i dont know the exact date of i become arashian , but i decided to choose 1st december 2013
because around that date i start to like arashi, their song is good, nice, the meaning is good, encourage me to be positive, and im not alone, their show is healing me, their each personality is awesome and many reason

next is Hey Say JUMP!
at first i said to Usagi that i curious about HSJ, NEWS, KANJANI8
and then she download the Jumping Carnival concert
so we watch it and i like their song, so much fun, feels so young 
until now i like chinen's , daiki's , yamada's, yabu's , inoo's voice

and long time after that we decided to download some of their song

and the last, NEWS
so Usagi help to download the White Concert, and on first perfomance, MR.WHITE i just feel like wow this is so awesome ! the audience so many ! but on the middle of disc 1 i feel flat 
then on disc 2 is super super wow! 
and i like Tego's voice !

i start to like some fanpage on 12th June 2016
their song is nice, good, i like it

curious about kanjani8 , but i hold myself, because i need to know more about news XD
so that's all the story
beside that all , i have been search for Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, GACKT, AKB48, Sekai no Owari, etc
but im not into them

okay thanks for reading
once again im sorry for the bad english m(_ _)m 
this post is end with FUNGKY - ARASHI 
let's dance !


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