Review Tsunagu Single by Arashi

Hello ! i'm back with this post bring my review of Tsunagu Single i hope u like it XD
and yeah here we go~!

at first at preview or trailer of Shinobi no Kuni, i just fall in love with the song. the impression is wild and cool. there's a English word that shout by Sho and that's cool
and then the choreo which made by Ohno also cool and of course i like it, i can see that choreo is really made by him. and when i listen to the full song is really ! i really like it the modern and Japanese instrument well combined. at first i though there will be a Sakurap
start at 01.24 Sakurai's voice is smooth and soft, Nino and Aiba is cool combi, Jun's voice is nice cuz heavy not like the usual XD
don't ask me about Ohno
"i dont wanna let you go.. oooo.." part is already kills me

Under The Radar
a bit shock at first, i though it would be a song that could be sing with fans such as Take Off!!!!! or Supersonic kind of electric pop. it's nice, good and unique also bit of sexy, maybe i nceed a couple times to listen more to like it. afterall is a cool song, i hope they will dance on this song

Reach For The Sky - 天までとどけ (Ten Made Todoke) (Fly to The Sky)
absolutly a positive, energize and motivational song but unexpected wildness at 02.28 it just like "hey i cen reach my dream and i will show u that i will chase it" XD because the song is kind of soft and encourage or pushing to positive heat at first time i hear it on the JAL CM. overall i like it! as the usual Arashi's motivational song

抱きしめたい (Dakishimetai) (I Want to Hold You)
i though it would be a ballad song, it's such a lovely and sweet song <3
i think it's been a long time for arashi have this kind of song or it's like Bittersweet?
i like to make it into my alarm

お気に召すまま (Okinimesumama) (I Like it)
yes! not ballad again XD sweet, groovy and this song can have a dance but i can't imagine it but half of my heart expect Arashi will just walk around with a cart at concert. maybe this song will suit when you on ride night back from work or even a sweet date XD <3

as the usual, i'm sorry if there's something u can't understand with my review, but i hope u like it and feel want to listen by yourself cuz u will understand what i said XD
and yeah so far i cant choose my favorite because i need time to listen them all again
but maybe i will choose Tsunagu and Dakishimetai ?
hmm i confused to choose afterall XD



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