
Showing posts from 2015

holiday is coming !

hello everyone ^^ ! so i just finish my fiction story thank you for anyone who read it and support me as well and one of you must be Viona ! hai viona hahahaha XD thank you ! how do you think about my fiction story ? gimana ceritanya ? please give a comment <3 eheheh so holiday is coming yeah yeahhh! and this saturday i will take my report of my score so i hope for the best also soon there will be Masaki b'day ! woowww i feel so fast for this year also christmas ! merry christmas everyone ^^ happy early christmas and new year wish for the best new year and happy holiday ^^

Fiction Story : Roller Coaster ( Bab 7 : Final )

Bab 7 : Final Sudut pandang : Mine Ternyata 1 hari sebelum roller coaster day, Nami udah jadian sama Daniel. Dan mereka berdua gak telat pas hari roller coaster day. Jadi di hari Jumat siang itu, kami berempat menikmati taman bermain bersama, makan bersama, seperti double date saja. Aku pulang dengan hati yang sangat puas. Sesampainya di rumah, aku langsung masuk ke kamar ku dan berteriak di bantalku yang empuk yang bersprei motif hati. Pas sekali pikirku. Sebenarnya, aku sudah tidak tahan untuk berteriak semenjak Miki menyatakan perasaannya. Aku masih ingat tatapannya yang begitu dalam penuh arti dan genggamannya yang erat. Aku bisa melihat kesungguhannya, aku pasti tidak akan melupakan rasa ini. Pensil dan kertas gambar telah siap aku sentuh malam ini, seakan tau apa perasaanku hari ini, kertas yang siap untuk digambari oleh pensil, ingin menggambari bagaimana perasaan yang mewakili hari ini. Aku mengambilnya dan mulai memberikan goresan demi goresan, tanpa men...

Fiction Story : Roller Coaster ( Bab 6 : Roller Coaster )

Bab 6 : Roller Coaster Sudut pandang : Mine Aku tidak memberitahukan Miki soal Nami yang mengetestku, tapi aku hanya memikirkan kembali apa kata-kata Nami waktu itu, dan mengingat-ingat kembali tentang Miki yang memberikan perhatian kepadaku. Sekarang aku sadar kalau itu bentuk sayangnya kepadaku. Dan, aku juga sadar kalau aku sudah terjebak dalam palungan cinta dalam beberapa waktu lama ini. “Palung loh bukan lubuk ya! Dalem ya cinta nya” kata Nami Aku membalasnya dengan ketawa. Ya, aku mulai cerita tentang perasaanku kepada Nami. Nami memberikan wajah puas, karena aku mulai terbuka, dan misi nya sebentar lagi selesai. “Sekarang lu tau menurut lu cinta itu apa?” tanyanya. “Hmm, mungkin kayak roller coaster, adem banyak angin, memacu adrenalin, bikin jantung tuh berdetak kenceng gitu, tapi ada sesi tenangnya” balasku. “Hahaha, boleh lah boleh, tapi emang lu udah pernah naik roller coaster ? kayaknya lu pernah bilang belom pernah deh ya ?” tanyanya heran. ...

Fiction Story : Roller Coaster ( Bab 5 : Ternyata )

Bab 5 : Ternyata Sudut pandang : Mine Saat aku mendengar tentang gosip Miki dengan Nami, aku tidak kaget lagi. Karena Nami yang sering cerita tentang Miki ke diriku, jadi aku bisa menebak-nebak kalau Nami suka Miki. “Mine! Temenin gue yuk ke toilet” ajak Nami yang menyadarkanku dari pikiran ini. “Ayuk” balasku. Di toilet aku yang melihat Nami memakai lip gloss merah tiba-tiba Nami bercerita lagi tentang Miki. “Mi, lu suka Miki ?” kataku langsung. Nami ketawa. “Ya gak lah, jangan pikir kalau gue cerita tentang Miki itu karena gue suka ama dia, gue tuh cerita biar lu tau Miki tuh gimana” jawabnya. “Oh ya, jangan-jangan lu juga mikirin dan cemburu pas kemaren kita nugas bareng ya? Yang gue godain Miki itu. Ah, jelas lah muka lu keliatan hahaha. Gue cuma test lu aja kok, biar lu sadar akan hal semua ini” jelas Nami yang diakhiri oleh senyuman dan tawanya. Aku kaget dan tersadar “Serius ? kok gue ga sadar ya ? hahaha. Ah ada-ada aja lu, emang muka gue...

Fiction Story : Roller Coaster ( Bab 4 : Tidak Mungkin ! )

Bab 4 : Tidak Mungkin ! Sudut pandang : Miki * dreet dreet* hpku bergetar. “ Ada pesan dari ... Mine ! Tumben banget”             Udah nyampe rumah Mik ? BTW sorry ya, jaket lu ketinggalan hehe ^^’ Oh ya ! Makasih ya jaketnya :P “Haha gemesin banget sih Mine! Pake emoticon segala duh” --------------------------- Keesokan siangnya, Mine yang udah dateng lebih dulu dari aku dan menyapa   “Mik! Nih jaket lu, wangi kan? Gak kayak biasanya sumpek kayak muka lu, udah gue cuci juga soalnya” sambil tertawa dia memberikan jaket favoritku yang berwarna navy itu. “Yeh, baru dateng udah di ledekin ya!” tangan kanan ku meraih jaket, tangan kiri ku mengelus rambutnya yang lembut. “eh iya wangi loh!” aku mendekati hidungku ke arah rambutnya, mencium wangi sampoo yang dia gunakan. “Gilakan! Jaketnya bukan rambut gue” jawabnya sambil mencubit perutku. “Duh sakit ! hahaha iya wangi kok jaketnya”...

Fiction Story : Roller Coaster ( Bab 3 : Terima Kasih, Miki )

Bab 3 : “Terima Kasih, Miki” Sudut pandang : Mine Aku memang jadi lebih dekat dan akrab sama Miki. Ya, itu karena kelompok kerja yang memang selalu formasinya berdasarkan nomor urut absen. Karena nomor absen kita yang dekatan jadi formasinya selalu Michael, Miki, Mine alias aku, Nami dan Nirma. Iya, beneran formasinya selalu begitu-begitu aja. Sebenarnya karena banyaknya tugas kelompok dengan anggota yang begini terus, aku gak cuma jadi dekat sama Miki aja, lagian aku juga gak keberatan sama sekali kok. “Terus kenapa aku mikirnya Miki doang pas awal?” seakan pikiranku mengejek diriku sendiri. “Eh! bukannya kerja malah bengong aja ya !” sahut Miki tiba-tiba sambil menampakkan mukanya ke depan mukaku dengan super duper dekatnya. Aku otomatis menghindar secepat mungkin. Secepat teman-teman meng- cie- kan aku. “Gila ya lu?” kataku. “Iya tergila gila sama lu” bisik Nami ke kupingku. Miki, Michael, Nirma ketawa, suara Nami kalau lagi bisik-bisik memang kayak suara...

Fiction Story : Roller Coaster ( Bab 2 : Benarkah? )

Bab 2 : Benarkah? Sudut pandang : Miki “ Kayaknya aku tertarik sama dia” “ Bego nya diriku, terlalu cepat kalau aku bercandain si Mine kayak gitu, yang ada keburu ilfeel duluan dia. Tapi sih, dia tetep ketawa  senyum aja pas aku becandain, ah gak mungkin ilfeel lah. Hmm Ok! harus pelan - pelan, tapi bakal buat Mine jadi berdebar – debar penasaran ” Pikiran ini datang dengan sendirinya. Pikiranku sendiri yang mencoba biar aku bisa mikir yang positif karena waktu itu, tapi ujung dari pikiranku ini, bikin aku makin gak ngerti sama perasaanku sendiri, duh. Aku sampai menggaruk-garuk kepala yang gak gatal ini karena bingung banget. “ Mine memang seru sih, untuk saat ini pun aku udah cukup deket sama dia, ya sebagai temen. Dia juga asik – asik aja, kalau aku isengin tapi dia biasa aja, gak ambil pusing ” Mungkin aku saat ini bener-bener memasuki tahap tertarik. Tapi entah kenapa hatiku kayak ngomong “ Suatu saat nanti Mine bakal jadi milikku, Mine is MI...

Fiction Story : Roller Coaster ( Bab 1 : Noda Modus )

ROLLER COASTER Mine seorang mahasiswa yang suka menggambar, tapi tidak tau gambaran tentang cinta. Bahkan, buta soal cinta. Di masa kuliahnya ini, Mine disadarkan tentang cinta oleh teman baiknya, Nami. Tapi, yang menunjukan semua cinta itu adalah Miki. Cowok perhatian tapi agak galak. Sampai akhirnya Mine menemukan sesuatu. BAB 1 : Noda Modus Sudut pandang : Mine “Eh! Coba pinjem tangan lu dong, Ne. Sebentar” sahut Miki “Buat apaan sih ?” balasku penasaran sambil menyodorkan tanganku yang agak kotor karena debu pensil saat menggambar. Miki melihat tanganku dengan menlontarkan ketawa kecilnya dan segera menggenggam tanganku erat-erat. Aku kaget. “Haha, gak apa apa, kan tangan lu itu milik mine~” jawabnya dengan nada agak menggoda. “Ehhhh! Bukan mine yang di bahasa Inggris ya, enak aja. Tangan gue ya milik gue, milik Mine!” bahkan hatiku lebih berkata Ehhh! lebih panjang, kali ini aku benar-benar kaget. Dia tertawa dan langsung mengalihkan perk...


hi ~~ im back i will continue this post with Bahasa ^^ gomen ne >.< oke di atas barusan gw terlalu PD kalo ada yang baca dari luar negeri wkkwkw oke hr ini gue balik lagi ngeblog sebenernya td iseng2 mikirin bkin cerita fiksi gitu karena bosen padahal lagi di tengah2 hari UAS hahaha dan gara2 abis baca fanfic nya kak Irene. hai kak ~ jadi kayak kepengen buat cerita fiksi dan kalo gw blg romance tuh plg gampang di bikin kwkwkw semoga kedepannya gw bisa lebih rajin lagi bkin cerita fiksi dan lebih variativ lagi genre nya jadi di blog ini juga ga cuma cerita asli gw seperti yg lalu lalu gw pernah ngepost cerita fiksi sederhana nan gak jelas kalian bisa baca di sini kalo kalian memang mau Cerita yang Belum Usai ( lanjutan ) Cerita yang Belum Usai ok cerita fiksi gw bakal gw post setelah post ini ya sankyu telah mampir dan baca saran dan kritik boleh bangets <3 Oh ya semoga gw bisa cepet ga lama lama ngepost kelanjutannya dan semoga kalian suka ya ga bosen sam...

Same Dream, BIG Dream

Hi ! Ahahah im back again Oh dont think that i comited to suicide bcause my previous post is about suicide xD So im back to bring my hot story xD Eventhough (maybe) theres no one visit this blog I will try to post something about my life.. maybe this blog would be my diary I think I should rename this blog tittle Not about all anymore Bcause all my post are mostly about me not about all So talking about diary .. I have make one this year but I just wrote it for a few weeks and then lazy to do it I think write a diary is fun for future haha i mean we can flashback about this and that memories So i will start about my story A few weeks ago i told by my teacher and my friend as head of my class to join guiding competition with japanese So after take a much practice and memorizing ..... * above all is written and become draft since 26/10/2015 The day is coming The competition day I do my best After few weeks and before the announcement day My friends said that i go...

IMO : Suicide

i think when i dont care i will really dont care about it .... i think people who choose to suicide is the super stupid person i think almost everyone ever think to suicide i ever think about suicide sometimes i feel like i want to suicide "ah its seems better if i die" ahaha that emotion! but at that time, when i just think about it , i think if i die what would be people do and how people feeling? who will sad?  who will cry?  what will people do? hahaha ah i feel like i am the super very stupid person ever when i think about want to die or suicide haha so many things that i want to do before i die i wont die now :)


hi im just back with my story hahaha as usually as always?  so i just finish my exam and so happy bcause now i have a long holiday yeayayayayyay and i have become 11th grade now and im so grateful bcause i got the good score he he he and for ninomiya bday i have covering nino solo yeay haha check out my SoundCloud i already watch saigo no yakusoku or last promises and it so cool!!  arashi act so cool and i love it hehe its revenge story  and today i just watch Ouroboros until eps 7 which is there are oguri and toma!!   they are so cool and they act so wow when they hit kick punch i just say waaahh kakkoiiiii and on first eps i just saw ueno juri at first i didnt notice it but when i feel , i think i ever seen this woman ah her voice ia like ueno and when i see the bio of dorama is ueno juri yay hahahaha and on first eps i cry 2 times because the little girl crying too oh this scene so touhing and on eps when toma was shot by a man and ...

Bittersweet Day

lol i will tell what happen today almost all from this is from my conversation with hanh le when she ask how was my day so today i have watch short cut of vsa on youtube on yuvari channel and one of them is sho is asking ohno : what kind of song is bittersweet? ohno said : aaa is feel bittersweet so i think today is bittersweet day because this all happen today  hmmm today i going to emotional lol yah some its fun and bad today i have first day of exam there are 2 subject.. mandarin is going quite well because i have prepation a few days for it and the second is guiding is like a question about knowledge of place but im not ok with this i mean many of questions that im not sure the answer hoho and there are essay.. the question one of essay is to explain and give a example but i just explain xD i didn't notice the "give an example" the second : i just crying suddenly because 2 of my bro are busy and no have time to fun with me lol yeah im c...

come back with cover post

here is the new cover from me aozora no shita kimi no tonari as i said previous post hehehe so a few days ago i have ask my sensei about the competition so when i ask sensei me : sensei did the competition is canceled? sensei : oh i dont know , because theres no infromation about it me : oh i see, the reason why asking you is , the participate of chinese competiton is already had a practice but why japanese not yet ? sensei : ooh yeah theres no preparation for the competition until now ... ok i will tell u if theres the information me : ok so when i talk with sensei , there is my friend , kathrine, that she is an otaku , so i just think that she is the participate of japanese competition today there is a japanese subject my sensei talk to me sensei : cindy do u want to be a participate ? me : oh of course, as long as u want to support me sensei : did u already remember katakana and hiragana ? me : oh...

hello may?

hi!  hahaha okay i will review what i do since i didnt blogging again ( what i remember to xD ) so now i listening to aozora no shita kimi to tonari by arashi which become ost aiba drama i didnt remember the title, i think the keyword have 'yo' and 'wagae' things lol or like a welcome ? family ? home?  and its about stalker? i know it from another fangirl which already watch it heheh me?  not watch it yet .. but i think it will make feel tense again again? so today i just rush watching the quiz show 2 which is there is shoooooo so i watch it on gooddrama there are 2 season first time i watch the first season until 3 or 2 eps but i didnt found sho (lol) so i ask my fangirl friend and she said try to watch the season 2 and bingo!  there is sho hahahaha did the purpose i watch the drama is to look at sho? hmmm sho's act i think so today i watch from  eps 4 until 10 the final and between eps 7-10 (if im not wrong) i pay attention so much to the drama ...

Guiding Competition and Observation Days

hello ! long time no posting ;) so did i ever tell u abt guiding competition held on November 2014 ? so if i never i will tell u this first so i hv asked to be participate on guiding competition between 10th grade of my school in english and japanese with different material for each languages so i hv prepare it so much then its canceled maybe because the schedule of my school is so busy and on 2nd of March is the day im asked to be participate for guiding competition by my home room teacher but this time is held between my school and the other schools and its held by UPH or Pelita Harapan University on 26th of March im happy i was choosen between many students or friends of my school so the topic is ASEAN my home room teacher ask me to explain abt The Philippines so i hv prepare the materials about the general information and some interesting place and some traditional food and i hv already ask some my facebook friends that from Fillipines so the materials is use...

10 Confession About Johnny's and Associate

so i tagged by : Michiko and Hanh this is my confession 1. im arashian that i didnt know their old songs to much 2. arashian since 2013 June 3. know Ryo Nishikido from 1 Litre of Tears and it is my first time to watch Jdorama 4. i hv fallin in love with Jun because Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku . i cant remember this title dorama well . and this dorama is my first arashi member dorama 5. after fallin in love with Jun , i moved to Sho then now i moved to Ohno 6. didnt following another Johnny's boy group . but know some of them but just the name 7. i amazed with every arashi concert 8. i feel every arashi member has they own unique and i love it!  i love them!  they are so awesome!  9. i just realize Ikuta Toma is cool and he is Arashi's junior 10. i have some oneechan from arashi fans :3 and i have some arashi cover songs at my soundcloud :p thanks for reading i will tag at my facebook post

Dreaming About ONE OK ROCK first time

so ystrday night i dream about OOR but theres something weird so i watch oor live concert with my classmate and my two brother i dont remember what first song that they play then after that they sing My Broken Heart  but tge actually name of the song is You've Broken My Heart and Taka play the guitar then after that song the concert is finish and oor go to backstage without say goodbye xD and then i see the chair on stage then i give back to crew to hope can see OOR member again but the crew scold me ! xD then we hv handshake event with oor but we must wait so long to meet oor after waiting the handshake event is started but theres no Tomoya Toru and Ryota just Taka and 2 stanger as a additional member and one empty chair beside Taka so i handshake the hand to first people : thank you! . he make a poker face second people : domo! cindy desu!  xD . he smiled me:*hold taka hand me: i like your hair (?) taka: oh thanks me : and u look so tall! taka : *...

Java Bali Overland StudyTour

so here i will tell u about what happen on my JBO so JBO is a studytour for me and my friends that held by our school theres a test on the tour we will learn and take the test the test is like we do like tour guide to so we must guide our friends as a tourist eventhough they will not hear fully lol why we must do this ? bcause we schooling at high school vocational tourism so we will learn how to be tour guide and about tourism so we go to bali for the first then we will go to bromo mountain then go to jogjakarta then pangandaran and back to jakarta btw sorry for not concern about capital,fullstop etc to lazy xD so the test like this 1. opening with english     explain about jakarta with english (iteneraries, local time, local people, attraction place, etc)     closing with english 2. opening with mandarin     explain about bali with english     closing with mandarin 3.opening with japanese    explain bromo mou...